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Village symbols

The village seal dates back to the first half of the 18th century. It consists of a five petaled rose with leaves in an oval surrounded by the words: PECZET P OBCI D KATERZINIC which translates, “SEAL OF THE VILLAGE OF KATERZINIC.” This seal is displayed on most promotional materials, such as postcards or on the front page of municipal letters.


In 2001, the village was given the emblem. There is Catherine of Alexandria, two roses, a part of a wooden wheel and a sword on it. The same symbols are on the flag.

Obecní znakCatherine of Alexandria was a Christian martyr from the 4th century. The name of the village is derived from her name. Catherine of Alexandria should be tortured in the wheel. But she prayed, and an angel appeared to her and broke the wheel. Parts of the wheel fatally injured the tormentor and Catherine was eventually executed by the sword. Therefore, she is shown with a part of the wheel and the sword.
